We provide comprehensive construction services – mainly in road construction- and we specialise in earth and road works. We also prepare external infrastructure within water and sewage systems.

We offer comprehensive construction services with the use of knowledge and experience in the scope of application of various technologies and our extensive experience enhances optimisation of costs both in economic and duration terms. We approach each project individually in order to meet the investor’s expectations both in the private and public sector.

Our offer is suitable for various areas of investment.

scope of activity


investment planning

The investor’s business strategy primarily determines location of investments whereas proper location constitutes a subsequent decisive factor. The risk of increased costs of construction enterprise is affected mainly by the potential of the plot and the manner of optimal managing of the said plot. Wide interdisciplinary experience and professionalism are crucial for the selection of the best possible solutions.

Goodman GDAŃSK

logistics centres

Logistic centres deal with receiving, storing, distribution and releasing of goods simultaneously providing accompanying services. They are invaluable for entrepreneurs due to the integration of numerous services in one location and to the fact that such centres take over part of the operations performed by mother entities of customer companies.


road infrastructure

Numerous factors influence road construction: plans, permits, buying out land, project, preparation of ground and appropriate coordination of works. Professionalism and timeliness are crucial at every stage of the process. Only the best companies are able to cope with such investment.


production plants

Construction of a production plant constitutes a technologically complicated project involving numerous challenges such as obtaining permits, optimisation of size, requirements connected with the type of production, quality of soil and coordination of works performed by various contractors. This type of investment should only be realised by the best in this field.


shopping malls

Shopping malls originate from the beginnings of the 20th century. However, only since the 1980s have they been designed in such a way as to imitate city centres with their shops, service points, passages and alleyways. Today these are multi-function shopping and entertainment centres where you can not only do your shopping but also spend time with your family or friends in a pleasant way.


public objects

The diversity of offered services enables us to realise investment projects falling beyond the standard construction categories. These include culture and entertainment objects and conference, fair or congress centres.

Fabryka Volkswagena WRZEŚNIA

roboty ziemne

Nasze przedsięwzięcia obejmują wykopy szerokoprzestrzenne i liniowe, budowę nasypów, wymianę gruntów, makroniwelacje terenu, wyburzenia, rozbiórki, kruszenie materiałów, rekultywacje terenu.


osiedla mieszkaniowe

Budowa nowoczesnych osiedli mieszkaniowych wymaga wysokiego standardu wykończenia budynków oraz pięknie zagospodarowanych terenów. Pracując przy realizacji dużych inwestycji zdobyliśmy kompetencje pozwalające nam uczestniczyć w budowie najpiękniejszych osiedli mieszkaniowych.